Although small in size, the wondrous region of Herzegovina has plenty to offer with its rich history, monumental heritage, tradition, uniqueness, and stunning landscape that includes mountains, rivers, waterfalls, and more. All that is situated only a short ride away from Split and Dubrovnik! Whether you are spending your holidays somewhere on the coastline of...Read More
Are you staying a few days in Sarajevo, and wondering how to spend your time? Want to explore everything Bosnia has to offer and figure out what are the best day trips from Sarajevo and attractions that are must see in Bosnia? Perhaps, the most important thing for you to know is that Bosnia and...Read More
The largest tourism event in Tel-Aviv is taking place in 2020 as they have officially announced it before the exhibition. The #Ambassador of #BosniaandHerzegovina to #Israel, Mr Duško Kovačević, visited our stand on the first day and welcomed the presence of our company at the event. We are prideful to be a part of #IMTM2020...Read More
Fortuna Tours Agency Representative Sanja Kaljužny gave a presentation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tourism product at an annual gathering of over 300 tour operators and travel agencies from around the world.Read More
Feel free to make an appointment and/or join us at our Hall TTG Rimini / 09.10. – 11.10.2019 / Padiglione C1 | Stand 011 ITB Asia (Singapore) / 16.10. – 18.10.2019 / Hall D | Stand P39 ETOA – Global European Marketplace (London) / 01.11.2019 WTM London / 04.11. – 06.11.2019Read More
The election for the best managers and companies of the Central and South-Eastern Europe for 2019 40th Ceremony for the Best European Manager and European Person of the Year has been held in Sarajevo at the hotel Holiday on the 4th of July 2019. The ceremony was organized by the Independent European Association for Selection...Read More
Feel free to make an appointment and/or join us at our Hall Fitur Madrid | 23.01. – 27.01.2019. | Hall 4 Stand 4C35 BIT Milano | 10.02. – 12.02.2019. | Hall 4 Stand A98 ITB Berlin | 06.03. – 10.03.2019. | Hall 1.2 Stand 233Read More
Turistička agencija Fortuna Trade Tours poziva sve studente i mlade osobe koje su zainteresovane za SEZONSKI POSAO TURISTIČKOG VODIČA da se jave u našu poslovnicu u Starom gradu na adresi Kujundžiluk 2 (08:30h – 16:30h), pozivom na broj 036 551 887 ili putem maila na ROK ZA PRIJAVE JE DO 27.12.2018. Tražimo kandidate koji...Read More